Tuesday 25 May 2010

much better

I'm actually happily happy haha.. I feel the taste of winning, ah it feels so good.. Speaking of which, it's interesting how feelings can left us up or takes us to the bottom o_o what is a feeling anyway? and what's the difference between feelings and emotions? I'm not gonna write a long article, but *i know, there's always a buttttt* I will share a bit..
Based on excessive readings *ahem* people are saying that emotions are what come with the human package, it's in our DNA, emotions like: sadness, happiness,f ear, surprise, anger, etc... These basic emotions are cross-culture so doesn't matter what color you are, how tall you grew up to be, or where you come from. Feelings, on the other hand, are our emotional reactions to people, things or situations, and yes, your culture, personality, and experiences play a role here. And I also read that with a positive attitude, we can alter the way we feel. I conclude with this quote:
"Choose each day to feel the way you wish to feel, no matter what is going on around you. And let your feelings pull you toward the fulfillment of your destiny."

I want to go back to 365.. I did a sketch but to sit and actually paint.. I need a kick haha ^^'
I don't understand how this is going.. I'm moody.. very!! but who's not?
So when I suddenly want to paint.. I can't, my time is already booked. And when I dedicate some artistic time, I actually spend the time with a pencil in my hand and a sketchbook  in the other, but nothing comes out. As per a recent discovery.. I admit that I can't force art..

Okay I think I'm done here ^^ until next time, I wish you have a good time *always*
